Eymir Gölü
A point of interest featured in Ankara Guidelet.
A lunch,dinner,varies,just show up option in Ankara Türkiye.
Located at Konur Sok. Kızılay
Telephone: +90 312 417 4106
Visit their website at https://foursquare.com/v/leman-k%C3%BClt%C3%BCr-ankara-t%C3%BCrkiye/4bbca1754e069c74cba69de3
Why Go: Leman Kültür is a restaurant with a modern youth culture vibe. It takes its decor and theme from the popular irreverent comic book Leman, the Turkish version of MAD Magazine. \r\n\r\nLeman Kültür is always buzzing with a young crowd at all times of the day or night. The menu puts some delicious modern twists on traditional Turkish dishes and also features Western-style favorites like salads and wraps. Alcoholic beverages are also available, although the classic ayran is always a favorite.\r\n\r\nThere are three locations: Kizilay, Bahçelievler and Bestekar Sokak\r\n
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