Why go:
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A guide by:
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Alan Thomsan
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Want to spend some quality time with your friends and family at Dallas. Then, come along and discover the amazing places that are mentioned in this guide, which will help you enjoying a spectacular night at Dallas Texas. The guide covers some of the finest, food joints, shopping centers and visiting places that can be a charm of your nightlife.
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day,night,free,just show up
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This tower is the epitome of incredible firework shows at Dallas. Fireworks are conducted every weekend using the Geo-Deck observation.
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day,varies,check site first
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It is a two-state art theater that is encapsulated with four at galleries along with a splendid garden. It runs more than 300 theatrical shows every day.
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One can dine here in European style ambience and enjoy amazing medieval shows such as Andalusia stallions’ performance and even brave knights fighting their game.
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night,varies,check site first
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The Folkloric ballet is performed by the leading troupes of the south-west who work with a passion to educate people about the history of Dallas.
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day,fixed price,check site first
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This is an inspirational museum that holds some of the exquisite pieces of art and craft, which is the heart of Dallas.
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It’s a one stop dining spot that brings almost everything, scrumptious food, mesmerizing music and a comfortable atmosphere is something that you are going to find here.
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Tingling your taste buds every time DCDB has become one of the popular food tours at Dallas. These tours are carried out in luxury mini buses.
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night,varies,check site first
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Recognized as the “best comedy club” by the popular “D Magazine” of Dallas, this comedy theater offers almost ten stand-up comedians per show.
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This food outlet is known for its 24 hours lounge along with spectacular bowling ale, there are 8 different lounges dedicated for a plethora of games.
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night,varies,check site first
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It’s among Gilley’s 5th largest private area, which covers about 10,000 sq ft of wooden dance floor, which is well supported by amazing music and lighting. This spot even gets booking for weekly live shows.
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This is the 100% original restaurant that serves 30 different authentic Dallas foods. This restaurant has been severing for more than 10 years.
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Part of the East Downtown, this is known to be the headquarters of live shows and music. This very place that showcased hot-blues and rock.
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This is known as the “capital of Rodeo”, which carries some of the finest extraordinary Rodeo performances on weekends.
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Supported to protect endangered species this aquarium is home to Orinoco crocodile, Antillean manatees and Giant river otters.
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day,free,just show up
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Termed as the “Beverly Hills of Texas”, this is almost like a small one stop destination that offers everything like shopping stores, dining outlet and local performances too.
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Bringing out the real potential that every child holds, this theatre is completely dedicated on showcasing the talent of children.
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day,free,just show up
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Located at the West-end this place symbolizes the history of Dallas. During night, the park gets ignited with various light shows.
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day,night,free,just show up
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This is known to be the best spot where one can discover the real art and culture that Dallas has to offer.
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night,varies,check site first
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Performances in this theatre are carried out by the trained professionals of “Black Dance Group”, which include some of the renowned dancers of choreographers of Texas.
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day,free,just show up
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It is an open arena, which is the central point for three main places which are Kennedy’s Memorial, John Neely Brain’s Cabin and terrazzo map of late 1800s, found at Dallas.
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Dedicated on providing some of the tasty foods on your platter 7 sins has been an all time favorite pick of the people.
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Packed with the historic sculptures from the past, this museum holds about 22,000 various things which were a part of BC.
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day,free,just show up
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This is the densest site of Dallas and is home for about 300,000 people who work along the route. The trail even holds daily fares for kids and adults.
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day,free,just show up
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The green point of Green Avenue and Royal Lane this park is known to be the best spot to enjoy during night.
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day,free,just show up
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This is among the large lakes of Dallas which allow various night-time activities like lakeside party, dining and many more.
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day,free,just show up
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This is the heart of Trinity Park and is famous for its four Spanish black cows that are made out of marble.
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day,free,just show up
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This is known to be the finest cultural centre of Dallas that offers amazing local performances along with fortified exhibits.
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Giving life to the history of Frontier amidst this museum has a wide variety of aircrafts and armors that were used in aircrafts.
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day,free,just show up
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Constructed in 2 acres of land this is an art gallery that pays tribute to the work and achievements of George W. Bush.
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This depicts the farmstead of 1891, where one can find a Victorian Farmstead along with a windmill, and the old buildings.
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Several events and performances are organized at IMC every weekend to commemorate the art and culture of Dallas.
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This is a 2.062 seated Orchestra hall that sites for some of the amazing performances made by the orchestra.
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Standing up to its name, this dining joint offers amazing fast-foods and meals at Dallas. Some of the classic dishes like mac and cheese and pizza pie top the charts.
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Watch and play the sports or game that you love along with a glass of chilled beer under the magical ambience of this club.
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This park is located near White Rock Lake and offers amazing view of the scenic lake from the park.
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This lake flows about 21,671 acres and surrounds two other countries other than Dallas. This lake is famous for its yatch racing.
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It is the ultimate place to shop for books at half price. This place offers some wonderful collection of books and novels.
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This place offers authentic Dallas clothes, which reflect the style and aura of the people of Dallas.
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One stop place to shop at wondrous shopping outlets, eat-outs that offer mouth watering food and even splendid street performances.
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Part of the spectacular Macy’s Joint, this shopping store offers a wide range of clothes, grocery, toys, accessories and many more.
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Want to have a perfect night out at Dallas? Then, get your hair-styled at dry-bar which is the prime hair styling destination.
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This is the spot where you can enjoy horse racing and jump on the beats of the music that surrounds you.
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This park does not have any strict working hours, which means you can come and enjoy at this park anytime you want.
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Surrounded with a complete countryside feel, this is one of the major trails at Dallas, which help you in exploring the woods.
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It offers wide variety of fried chicken along with some of the finest dips like BBQ sauce, mayo sauce, spicy wasabi and many more.
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It works on providing an elegant dining experience for the dinners, so that they can happily enjoy their meals.
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At this bakery shop everyday is a carnival. Here, you can find some of the exquisite baked munchies in exciting flavors.
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Give your taste buds a feast with the spectacular beverages offered at Sigel’s which are not only unique but they are hard to find too.
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Start your nightlife with a sip of hot coffee only at ‘Cultivar Coffee’ which holds 20 varieties of coffee served every day.
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This is a highly acknowledged shopping centre, which welcomes almost half of Dallas every day.
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Breathe the artist inside you, through the marvelous paintings at Design District. This art gallery offers some of the finest paintings by professional artists.
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This park is near to Neiman Marcus, and is among the highly visited parks of Dallas.
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Indulge on to the mood of shopping to celebrate your nightlife at Dallas only with the silver city jewelry the best place to buy fashion jewelry.
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A place that signifies the importance of dogs, where dogs can have some good time of their lives.
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Walk down and enjoy a terrific green lawn only at the main street garden, maintained only for you.
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day,varies,just show up
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Want to enjoy your night at Dallas in cowboy style then, jump onto Cowboy pro where you can find some of the exquisite cowboy dresses.
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night,varies,check site first
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Love skating? So, look no more than the white rock skate centre, best place to skate with friends and family.
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Bring those skating shoes to some ice, only here. It offers ice skating; best for summer to cool you down.
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Situated in a posh area, this is among the popular Bowling lanes of Dallas.
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This is a authentic French Bistro which offers the fusion of authentic French food with a special touch of Dallas.
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If you love to eat-out at fancy restaurant then Ritz-Cartlon will be the pick for you.
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Go back to the roots of Malai, Thai and Vietnamese cuisine only at this part of Dallas.
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Serving almost 40 different kinds of beer; Ginger Man has always been the favorite dining spot of people who love to drink and dine.
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This company offers the best Imperial Red Ale and everything is extracted locally right from the scratch.
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Amazing place to stop by and explore the local sights of the Katy Trail at this eating outlet.
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Sing party and dance with joy at a leading bar of Dallas which was started almost 30 years ago and is still encored to be the best.
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Slow down, and enjoy a healthy and wholesome meal at the dream café, known to serve some extraordinary and healthy dishes.
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A complete 100% vegetarian restaurant dedicated for the taste buds of vegans. There are some exceptional vegan dishes offered in the menu.
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Just as the name goes, this place is best known for its different types of burgers, which are quick and easy.
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Show your taste buds some love, with the sweet and sour taste of amazing chicken delicacies found only at chicken scratch.
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Your search for the best bar that provides healthy and amazing dishes ends only at Ten Bells Traven.
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Grab up some fuel for your body only at fuel city; a leading dining outlet that serves more than 40 varieties of dishes.
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Celebrate your night-out at Dallas with the enriching and irresistible taste of food offered by the Hunky’s.
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Food savvy should never forget to plan their trip to Bubba’s because this store is known for its remarkable burgers and BBQ’s which are hard to find anywhere else.
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End your day, with the fulfilling and nourishing food of Rise No-1 known to provide number one deserts.
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Cherish your childhood memories through the sandwiches, burgers, grilled chicken, mac and cheese and lots of deserts explored at the Porch.
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Serving the best of Dallas from the last 10 years, this is one of the reputed grill and bar located near Main Street.
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Bring your indulgence for food back in action, only at this magnificent eat-out, which holds 50 spectacular delicacies.
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Talk, eat and relax only at the best café in town. Every dish that is a part of Company café’s menu is free from gluten.
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Stop by and grab a taste of the prefect American cuisine served hot at the Tiliman’s Roadhouse.
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An Italian based restaurant severing some incredible Italian dishes.
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Celebrate as much as you can only at Celebration Restaurant, which offers good food to pep up your celebration.
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This eating joint welcomes dogs and even offers some amazing food for them. Along with that the pastas of this outlet are remarkable.
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As the name suggests this café brings the flavors of Brazil close to you.
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Love the smell, taste and aura of smoked ribs cooked with the right amount of sauce. Then, come along at the smoke house to get the best of smoked meat.
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After a tiring shopping hour, a simple and elegant cup of hot coffee can be so rewarding.
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Save your appetite for the finest American foods offered only at Palomino. The best part is that they always have some sort of offers and discounts for you.
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This grill eatery offers dining space for your pets too, which means that you pet can enjoy their meal along with you.
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Time to explore the Vietnamese culture of Dallas only at Sushi Zushi, incredible sushi served hot and spicy.
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day,free,just show up
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Your eyes will be glued to the spectacular horse racing game conducted every weekend only at Lone Stone Park.
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This theatre has always been the heart and soul of Dallas. Today, one can explore live concerts and music shows; held here every night.
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This theatre comes next after Granada is among the finest theatres of Dallas.
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If you are a Opera lover then, you must never forget to plan your trip at the Winspear Opera House, customized to give you amazing opera performances.
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This place is the ultimate stop for the music lovers to enjoy live concerts and shows by renowned bands.
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This is a newly designed theatre that has been structured to bring out the talent and diversity that Dallas holds for you.
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Emerging as a popular convention centre this is a must watch arena of Dallas, which hosts several events and concerts.
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This is a one of a kind night club of Texas that offers three stages of dancing level, you pick any level that you love.
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It is an electrifying lounge surrounded by amazing sounds, lights and ambience which holds a prefect night out for you.
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Essential part of the crown plaza hotel, this is the place where several shows and events are conducted.
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