City Limits Comedy Club
A point of interest featured in Clockwise Tour Around Ireland Guidelet.
A day,very cheap,just show up option in Ireland.
Located at Killarney, Ireland
Visit their website at http://www.killarneynationalpark.ie/
Why Go: There are loads of glorious areas to explore within the park: From Ross Castle one can take a boat (go with a local boatman for an informative, historical and humerous adventure) to Innis fallen Island.There are a few options for boat trips from 11/2 hrs to all day, depending on your needs. Follow the trail of the ancient Bronze Mines,a beautiful walk.Look out for the red deer. Take a jaunting car trip with one of the jarveys (also very informative and entertaining), or just take a peaceful meander along the river. Ask about the massive effort to rid the park and all surrounds of the purple rhodendrons to allow the natural vegetation to return. Then head into Killarney for a wonderful coffee ( or a berry smoothie) at Lir cafe... opposite the cimema.
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