A point of interest featured in Jaipur: A shopper’s paradise for jewelery and handcrafts Guidelet.
A day,lunch,dinner,varies,just show up option in Jaipur India.
Located at 2nd Floor KK Square, C-11 Prithviraj Road, C-Scheme
Telephone: +91 141 400 7244
Visit their website at http://www.tripadvisor.co.za/ShowUserReviews-g304555-d646498-r195540219-Anokhi_Museum_of_Hand_Printing-Jaipur_Rajasthan.html
Why Go: Anokhi is famous for its high quality, block print textiles, particularly clothes. The sprawling Jaipur showroom has a delightful café that serves mostly organic international cuisine. If you're interested in learning about the art of block printing, Anokhi also has a museum near Amber Fort. There are daily demonstrations as well as more detailed workshops.
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